

aku telah die tagged oleh qema. jadi ni soklan kpd tagged dye.

#1 describe 10 things about the person who tagged u

-baik hati kut
-comel (org yg kate)
-suka budak2
-suka belanja sy(dulu)
-selalu buzz sy kat ym
-kwn skola dri f1 until f5
-dye sensitif
sorg yg lucu

# 2 now u have to descibe 10 things about urself
-pendengar yg baek(agaknye)
-very open minded
-suka pengaruh org
-fmily, friend owez 1st
-gilak shppg(kekadang)
-tak ske rmai org, rimas w0o
-tak merokok+minom akhol
-hp my shbt baek
-benci katak

# 3 at the end,you need to chooce 3 people to be tagged and list their names
-ed eddy


nur raqeema said...

tq sbb buat!
i syg u lebey la..muahaha..=)

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